Consultancy & Diagnostics Services – Culture
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Diagnostics are one part of our consultancy services. There are multiple opportunities to access feedback on how employees view their experience of working in your organisation. This could be through engagement surveys, anecdotal feedback, or reports from partners such as Unions. Information may also be available through your own reporting mechanisms, such as attrition and retention data, or numbers of grievances as examples that may give you cause for concern.

Under your duty of care to keep employees mentally and physically safe at work, there is a need to act quickly in response to any form of feedback that raises concerns regarding perceptions of bullying, harassment or other forms of inappropriate behaviour. For many reasons, employees can be reticent about speaking out to their employer. Our diagnostics enable us, as independent consultants, to gather more detailed feedback and obtain clarity about what is happening. This in turn gives you a full picture to complete your understanding of the situations/perceptions and, most importantly, informs subsequent appropriate action.